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Luggage Storage
Good to know
My flight or train is delayed. What do I do?
My flight or train is delayed. What do I do?
Updated over a week ago

If your flight or train is delayed, do not panic because you have a 30 minutes drop-off delay. It is not mandatory to be exactly on time at the luggage storage facility but make sure that the opening and closing hours will be respected and let your “Nanny” know if you have any changes in plan.

No cancellation will be refunded after the luggage drop-off time agreed in the booking.

You can cancel your booking up to the luggage drop-off time agreed in the booking and will be refunded in full.

If by any any chance, you had a problem while cancelling your booking or why you couldn't make it on time for your booking, you have to show the proof of the reason why you couldn't cancel on time in order to receive a full refund .

You will have to send your refund request with the proof to , in order for it to be processed. You will receive a bank transfer within 3 business days directly in your bank account. The transaction will be named "Nannybag".

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