Luggage includes suitcases and bags with or without wheels, as well as foldable buggies that a Traveller wishes to entrust to a Nanny, excluding the items below:
• Luggage exceeding a unit weight of 30 kgs,
• Baggage with a height, width or depth exceeding 0,9m,
• Metal trunks,
• Any good whose unit value exceeds €1000,
• Important personal effects such as keys, wallets, identity documents, passport, driver's license, handwritten documents, property titles and other official documents, business papers, travel tickets, credit cards, cash or any other means of payment, securities etc.,
• Mobile phones and smartphones, digital tablets, digital readers, laptops or not, cameras and all photographic, radio, sound or image recording or reproduction devices as well as their accessories,
• Luggage and luxury bags, watches, fishing rods, golf clubs and more generally all sports equipment, clocks, porcelain, earthenware, trinkets and decorative objects, carpets, paintings, tapestries , furs, books, musical instruments, housewives, collections (is considered as a collection, the gathering of objects of the same nature, having a relation between them and being the object of a quotation between collectors) etc.,
• Metal or precious stone jewelry, fine pearls, works of art,
• Cosmetic products such as perfumes, creams, make-up, etc.,
• Anything fragile: crockery, porcelain, earthenware, etc.,
• Food or perishables,
• Medicines,
• Prostheses of all kinds, glasses and contact lenses,
• Cigarettes, tobacco and tobacco products,
• Liquids, wines and spirits,
• Chemicals, toxic or dangerous,
• Moldy, polluted or contaminated objects or goods,
• Firearms, ammunition, explosives, fuel and fireworks,
• Radioactive or dangerous materials,
• Liquid fuels (eg LPG, FOD, heavy fuel oil and similar products….),
• Combustible gases (eg acetylene, methane, butane and propane, hydrogen…),
• Flammable liquids,
• Illicit substances,
• Living beings (animals, plants or others),
• Waste,
• Stolen or illegally held goods or merchandise,
• Goods stored for commercial purposes,
• Merchandise,
• Computer files except blank information media.
Updated over a week ago