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Luggage Storage
General questions
I didn't drop-off my luggage. What happens?
I didn't drop-off my luggage. What happens?
Updated over a week ago

If you didn't drop-off your luggage, our terms and conditions allow you to cancel you booking up to the luggage drop-off time agreed in the booking. You may cancel your booking and will be refunded the amount paid for the booking in full. No cancellation will be refunded after the luggage drop-off time agreed in the booking.

The Nanny may cancel a booking at any time, in which case the Nanny expressly agrees not to be paid the planned amount. You will be refunded the entire amount paid for this booking and will be able to carry out a new booking.

Once the booking is ongoing, our company refunds only users who couldn’t benefit from our service due to negligence from Nannybag.

You will receive a bank transfer named "MangoPay" or "Nannybag" within 3 business days directly in your bank account after a refund request with the proof has been sent to to , and processed.

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